
Seeing this Comic on the newsagent counter with 2 Free Toffee Bars was enough to tempt me to buy this IPC Comic. It was the only Humour Comic I bought and I enjoyed it very much.107 Issues were printed from 12th June 1971 To 23rd June 1973 it then merged with Whizzer & Chips.
Here are the Comic Strips that featured in the first Issue.
The Super Seven, Beat Your Neighbour, Pete's Pockets, Shrimp, The Haunted Wood, Boney, Son Of Sir, Moose, The Toffs And The Toughs, Mucky Mick, Fuss Pot, Barry And Boing, Ghoul Guides, Joker, My Bruvver ,The Katts.

This 4 page Comic insert was in 'Buster' Comic.


The free gift in Issue 2 was a small yellow plastic skeleton based on the character 'Boney'


Looking through my Knockout Issue No.3 as expected I had cut out my Voucher to get my free bar of Super Mousse. Super Mousse was a small 'Milky Way' like bar only more chewy, it was made by 'Cadburys' in the early 1970's, and has since been discontinued.



Each Issue contained 20 Pages with 107 Issues that comes too 2,140 pages.


Issue 7. Contained 'Knockouts' first Advert for 'Cadbury's 'Super Mousse' Bar.
Ironically the 'Moose' Strip' only got a half pager in this Issue.




The trouble with most of the early Issues of 'Knockout' the paper was so thin you could see through the pages, but the pages did get slightly thicker with later Issues athough I've noticed you can still see through them.

Issue 11 had a 2nd 'Super Mousse' Advert.


Issue 12 had an Ad For 'Kellogs Frosties' and 'Variety Pack'



'Great news inside' good job it didn't say "Great news for all readers...See inside" that usually means a Merger that would have been a short run.
But 'The great news' was this 4th and final free gift, or 8 different 'Peepers'
Wish I had kept mine.
Issue 14 also see's the last of - Ghoul Guides & The Katts Strips.
No 'Joker' in this Issue to make way for this Ad.


You would have had to buy 6 different 'Knockouts' to collect all 6 'Peepers' Wow a total price of 16p a bargain today but actually quite a bit of money when your a kid on little pocket money.
Starting today two new strips.'Copy Kate' & 'Little Devil'

New strip 'The Full House' take's over the front cover for the first time. 'Super Seven' have 2 coloured pages in the centre spread. Missing from this issue was 'Son of Sir' and 'Mucky Mick' to make way for a competition page and the 3rd 'Super Mousse' advert.


This Issue contained 17 different strips not bad for a 20 page comic.
'Son of Sir' and 'Mucky Mick' were back for issue 17 but this was the last we see of 'Mucky Mick' which ended in this Issue, After being told to stay clean in 16 Issues the last panel was of him being told to get Mucky by cleaning out the pigs pen.

A nice Advert for 'Dinky Toys' The excellent 'Shado 2 Mobile' from the TV series 'UFO'.


The 4th Different Ad for 'Cadbury's Super Mousse'.


'Barry and Boing' was 'Knockouts' only adventure strip which ran throughout the whole 107 Issues.


An Ad for Kellogs 'Puffa Puffa Rice' this happened to be my favourite ever cereal as a kid, I wouldn't be surprised if I had seen this ad and ask my mum to get a box, sadly you can no longer get them, although they were made of rice they tasted nothing like 'Rice Krispies'.


'Joker' not only had his own strip, but also had 'Jokers Jokes' which started in Issue No.3.


Issue 23 contained the 5th 'Cadbury's Super Mousse' Ad.


This weeks Ad is for 'Kellogg's Sugar Smacks' advertised by the 3rd 'Doctor Who' 'Jon Pertwee'


Although 'Knockout' is advertised as an all colour comic which is true but only 4 pages are in full colour. The front page 'Full House' the centre pages 'The Super Seven' and the back page 'Fuss Pot'


Only 2 New Strips have started in the 27 Issues so far, 'Copy Kate' & 'Little Devil'
We have lost 'Ghoul Guides' - 'The Katts' & 'Mucky Mick'.
After 27 Issues these are the strips still in 'Knockout'
Barry & Boing
Beat Your Neighbour
Copy Kate
Full House
Fuss Pot
The Haunted Wood
Little Devil
My Bruvver
Pete's Pockets,
Son Of Sir
The Super Seven,
The Toffs And The Toughs
love seeing these covers,as i only have a few knockout comics but most of the annuals.i would/may try and do a similar thing with whoopee or cheeky ,as i have most of those.if i knew how to scan em in that is.lol.well done.
ReplyDeletebig bad bri
Last year I picked up a copy of Knockout #1 in a second hand store here in New Zealand for about 50p, but didn't realise it was #1 until I actually read it. I'd picked it up initially because it had all my favorite strips from Whizzer and Chips in it. I'd never seen an actual copy of Knockout before.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was just a kid of 5 the line "incorporating Knockout" on the the cover of Whizzer and Chips baffled me enormously...
This is a great blog on Knockout, Steelclaw; took me right back to 1971 [I definately got the early issues, I especially remember the dancing skeleton free gift].
ReplyDeleteThanks for the memories! I SPY.
Neither of the two 'Anonymous' comments is in reality anonymous, the first being by Big Bad Bri, the other by ISPY. Your selection box could do with a tweak.
ReplyDeleteAny info on the Knockout comic of the same name from the early 60s that merged with Valiant?
ReplyDeletei have fond memories of the peepers gift from issue 15
ReplyDeleteThe whole concept of them has never left me,I had a blazer pocket to place mine in as had many kids in those days,i am sure I wore mine to school and expected everyone else to be wearing one too....not likely....ubergeek.
Thanks for your comments everyone
ReplyDeleteThe only comic i ever bought,I collected everyone till it merged with whizzer and chips.
ReplyDeleteOne day when i got home from school i found out my Grandma had been in my bedroom and tieded it up,and for some reason i never found out she had got rid of all my comics and had put them in the bin,and the binmen had come that day.
Some of the scanned images on this site, especially the inside pages printed in red and black are very poor because you can see-through to the reverse side of the page. To PREVENT this when scanning, put a piece of black card or paper underneath the page you're scanning. The paper should be at least the same size as the page. Try it!
ReplyDeleteActually, sometimes the colours have bled through to the other side of the page, so you're always going to see them with or without the card.